FedEx India Tracking

Track Delivery of FedEx

Online FedEx India Tracking. Enter FedEx tracking number or order number to view delivery status of your parcels, letters, consignments, couriers. By using this page you can find the status of the your delivery or your shipment. Quick and simple, without verification code. After clicking on the "Track" button on the above, you will be directed to the tracking result page. The most common FedEx tracking number format is 12 digits (e.g. 1234 1234 1234) or 15 digits (e.g. 1234 1234 1234 123). Some other less common formats may also exist, such as 20 digits and 22 digits. Speed Post Tracking India COM never makes logging and does not use FedEx's any of the information system definetly.

FedEx Contact Number

Telephone No+1 800 247 4747 (US)
+44 2476 706 660 (UK)
+91 1800 22 6161 (IN)

FedEx Tracking Number Formats

Shipment TypeExample Format (Digits)
FedEx1234 1234 1234 (12)
InternationalAB 123 456 789 US (13)
FedEx1234 1234 1234 123 (15)
FedEx EMSAB 123 456 789 IN (13)

FedEx Latest Reviews

Twitter User 1647813778686513154
Statuses 1647813778686513154
DTiXOrg: FedEx: Reimagining logistics with focus on small businesses... Courtesy: FI Read* Awareness…
by DTiXOrg
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
2023-04-17 09:36:34 IST.
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Twitter User 1647644409230675969
Statuses 1647644409230675969
SarahTitus0306: RT @hemantcsharma: @rockyandmayur
by SarahTitus0306
2023-04-16 22:23:33 IST.
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Twitter User 1647577038243663877
Statuses 1647577038243663877
VigneshGeni: @iRobinPro No robin. Product is already in brother place. Just to take it and deliver to me , yes its unsafe idea t…
by VigneshGeni
Bengaluru, India
2023-04-16 17:55:51 IST.
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Twitter User 1647554140770377734
Statuses 1647554140770377734
hemantcsharma: @rockyandmayur
by hemantcsharma
New Delhi, India
2023-04-16 16:24:51 IST.
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Twitter User 1647388889596989441
Statuses 1647388889596989441
janta_post: Business #news in hindi : FedEx Corp. प्रबंधन रैंक में 10% की कटौती करेगी: रिपोर्ट Read More....…
by janta_post
2023-04-16 05:28:12 IST.
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Twitter User 1647257236526227458
Statuses 1647257236526227458
Ayushsh3217: @FedExHelp My package has been stuck with Fedex for 2 months. It reached India on 26th but I haven't received it. T…
by Ayushsh3217
2023-04-15 20:45:04 IST.
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Twitter User 1646896604786601984
Statuses 1646896604786601984
CSRwire: FedEx To Open First Advanced Capability Community (ACC) in India
by CSRwire
2023-04-14 20:52:03 IST.
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Twitter User 1646778699226783746
Statuses 1646778699226783746
praajwall: @UPS and @FedEx have an annual revenue of $200B. And the ENTIRE size of Logistics in India is $250B(2021) The ENT…
by praajwall
Bengaluru, India
2023-04-14 13:03:32 IST.
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Twitter User 1646714891171143680
Statuses 1646714891171143680
TinaJagasia: @FedExHelp @FedExHelp @FedExForum @FedEx @FedExEurope @FedExOffice @FedExPolicy needs to issue public notice ASAP..…
by TinaJagasia
Mumbai, Maharashtra
2023-04-14 08:49:59 IST.
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Twitter User 1646695208938278918
Statuses 1646695208938278918
BalajiS83715534: @FedExHelp Thanks Victoria... I will report to the mail id you provided... I got automatic tele caller saying FedEx…
by BalajiS83715534
2023-04-14 07:31:46 IST.
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Twitter User 1646646009877889024
Statuses 1646646009877889024
Pinkrosemumbai1: @FedEx in India is in very sad state. They have a site that doesnt work and they would move their butt unless thing…
by Pinkrosemumbai1
2023-04-14 04:16:16 IST.
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Twitter User 1646574379201904640
Statuses 1646574379201904640
StockNewsBot2: $FDX FedEx To Open First Advanced Capability Community (ACC) in India
by StockNewsBot2
2023-04-13 23:31:38 IST.
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Twitter User 1646574291075608576
Statuses 1646574291075608576
UsMarketNews: $FDX news FedEx To Open First Advanced Capability Community (ACC) in India
by UsMarketNews
2023-04-13 23:31:17 IST.
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Twitter User 1646574288433020946
Statuses 1646574288433020946
FlashAlert_me: $FDX [15s. delayed]: Issued Press Release on April 13, 14:00:00: FedEx To Open First Advanced Capability Community…
by FlashAlert_me
New York, USA
2023-04-13 23:31:16 IST.
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Twitter User 1646574190642843648
Statuses 1646574190642843648
stock_titan: $FDX FedEx To Open First Advanced Capability Community (ACC) in India #investing #stocks #trading
by stock_titan
2023-04-13 23:30:53 IST.
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Twitter User 1646573853492264964
Statuses 1646573853492264964
3BLNews: FedEx To Open First Advanced Capability Community (ACC) in India
by 3BLNews
Northampton, MA
2023-04-13 23:29:33 IST.
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Twitter User 1646556570287734789
Statuses 1646556570287734789
FedExHelp: @BalajiS83715534 I certainly read your message and you said that you received a call from India, I'm just wondering…
by FedExHelp
Memphis, TN
2023-04-13 22:20:52 IST.
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Twitter User 1646495551142367233
Statuses 1646495551142367233
razazaki5: @FedEx [13/04, 18:05] Dr Raza Zaki: Fedex holded my mother medicines since 18th march which booked through fedex fr…
by razazaki5
2023-04-13 18:18:24 IST.
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Twitter User 1646495291187793920
Statuses 1646495291187793920
razazaki5: @FedExOffice [13/04, 18:05] Dr Raza Zaki: Fedex holded my mother medicines since 18th march which booked through fe…
by razazaki5
2023-04-13 18:17:22 IST.
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Twitter User 1646494996965752833
Statuses 1646494996965752833
razazaki5: @FedExHelp [13/04, 18:05] Dr Raza Zaki: Fedex holded my mother medicines since 18th march which booked through fede…
by razazaki5
2023-04-13 18:16:12 IST.
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Twitter User 1646494414657945601
Statuses 1646494414657945601
razazaki5: @AirportGenCus [13/04, 18:05] Dr Raza Zaki: Fedex holded my mother medicines since 18th march which booked through…
by razazaki5
2023-04-13 18:13:53 IST.
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Twitter User 1646494125062258688
Statuses 1646494125062258688
razazaki5: @DelhicustomsFedex holded my mother medicines since 18th march which booked through fedex from USA to india, repeat…
by razazaki5
2023-04-13 18:12:44 IST.
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Twitter User 1646493231121829888
Statuses 1646493231121829888
razazaki5: Fedex holded my mother medicines since 18th march which booked through fedex from USA to india, repeatedly i am sen…
by razazaki5
2023-04-13 18:09:11 IST.
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Twitter User 1646492502810308610
Statuses 1646492502810308610
razazaki5: @FedExForum [13/04, 18:05] Dr Raza Zaki: Fedex holded my mother medicines since 18th march which booked through fed…
by razazaki5
2023-04-13 18:06:17 IST.
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Twitter User 1646491946230386690
Statuses 1646491946230386690
razazaki5: Fedex holded my mother medicines since 18th march which booked through fedex from USA to india, repeatedly i am sen…
by razazaki5
2023-04-13 18:04:04 IST.
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Twitter User 1646465612305014784
Statuses 1646465612305014784
Onderdelenspzoo: @FedExEurope Hello FedEx, Request for Claim #771371538125 We regret to inform you that our customer(Automobile Trad…
by Onderdelenspzoo
Wroclaw, Poland
2023-04-13 16:19:26 IST.
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Twitter User 1646463529187147777
Statuses 1646463529187147777
Onderdelenspzoo: @FedExHelpEU @FedExEurope @FedExHelp @FedEx @FedExOffice After waiting for 2 months, the New Delhi client received…
by Onderdelenspzoo
Wroclaw, Poland
2023-04-13 16:11:09 IST.
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Twitter User 1646419193074716674
Statuses 1646419193074716674
BalajiS83715534: @FedExHelp i received a call from the number +91-962016166 which is not even 10 digits for India. Is it spam or val…
by BalajiS83715534
2023-04-13 13:14:59 IST.
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Twitter User 1646135795986866176
Statuses 1646135795986866176
mitskisbf: can't wait for Zomato Swiggy Uber Eats Shadowfax DTDC DHL India Post FedEx Blue Dart Delhivery parcel simulator 2
by mitskisbf
he/she/they 🏳️‍🌈
2023-04-12 18:28:52 IST.
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Twitter User 1646063229083484160
Statuses 1646063229083484160
LaurieVeal9: @TeufelH99494748 @Spenny @krassenstein This you Marty? "If I get 1 more scamming spam call from India about Medicai…
by LaurieVeal9
2023-04-12 13:40:30 IST.
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